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17. May 2009




posts 23

Liebe Comfortina 32 – Segler und andere Interessierte!

Endlich ist ein weiterer Schritt in der Entwicklung dieses online Klassentreffens getan: Das neue Forum mit zeitgemäßer Funktionalität ist online.Das bedeutet, dass Sie sich jetzt selbst als richtiger, segelnder Nutzer eintragen und teilnehmern oder – als Gast – auch Registrierung antworten können. Themen werder weiterhin moderiert und können nun verschiedenen Themengebieten zuugeordnet werden. Trimm, Ausrüstung oder Events bieten sich z. B. an – und andere Themengebiete werden sich sicher schnell herauskristalisieren.

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Ich und viele andere Comfortina 32 – Begeisterte werden sich in jedem Fall über Ihre Beiträge freuen. Jetzt zunächst erst einmal immer eine Hand breit Wasser unter dem Kiel! Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Lars Berger

19. May 2009


Chania, Kreta, Griechenland


posts 5

Liebe Administrator und Comfortina 32 – Segler

Since last August I am the owner of Comfortina-32 with series number 524 (1986). Her (new) name is ΑΙΘΡΑ (AETHRA), her previous one was DONDERSTEEN. Homehaven is now the old harbor of Chania, on Creta in Greece. Could you please change the information in the "schiffregister" of the old site (or, even better, correct and move it from the old site to the excellent new one)?

There is no Comfortina-32 club in Greece. As far as I know, and since Kleine Beer is back in the Netherlands (for sale), there is no other Comfortina-32 sailing regularly in the Greek waters. Therefore, I would like to ask you to accept me in your "klassentreffen". I can readily understand german and dutch but I would prefer to write in english, since my mother tongue, modern greek, would be quite difficult for most of you. 

Thank you for the very nice job in creating this site. I hope that I will be able to share and learn from your experience in sailing this beautiful boat.

Alexandros D. Gotsis

Chania, Crete, Griechenland

27. May 2009




posts 23

Dear Alexandros

Great, that you have found the site! I hope you enjoy it and will get a lot of help here from all the other Comfortina 32 sailors with a little bit more experience with this wonderful ship.

Yes, I will change the information in the registry of ships, when I will be working on that part again. The goal is to build a registry, where sailors can do that on their own – so I would like to ask you to be patient. In the meantime you are more than welcome to use the site and contribute whereever and however you like. Just write in English, most sailors here at least do understand. Most sailors here do read, too – but some are a little bit shy when it comes to answers. Wink Well, everybody is in forums like this, I believe.

Would be great to be able to see some pictures of your beautiful ship in your beautiful waters, soon? Let's see if I can't get any longer with this registry-part, where picture upload and some more descriptions of the ships will become possible.

Once again welcome to this online class meeting and kind regards to Crete, Greece!


1. June 2009


Chania, Kreta, Griechenland


posts 5

Thanks for the encouragement.

Some photos taken during the trip from Slovenia to Crete (8/2008) and in day-sails around north west Crete (since then) can be seen at:




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